Basic Layout and Next Step

From my initial sketching I came up with an simple layout of how this interface could work. These concepts are early in my process as of yet. My idea is that users will have access to Camera, Map and List view with very little effort involved. From my early research the categories of Houses/Places, Events and Food are most important when navigating through the Folk Park. Using the scenarios I have an understanding of how a visitor might use the application. Below are three layout concepts that I will be testing with users shortly.

Image 1 - Visualisation of Place Category with info on a house. All the places can be seen as dots in the cross at the top right.

Image 2 - Place Category with option to group places in to 'same era' or 'same area'. Blue marker indicates user. Any of the orange markers can be chosen forinformation/location.

Image 3 - Visualisation of Events category in List view. There is a reminder feature here, and the option to sort the events by time or locations. By pressing the blue arrow users will be taken to a separate page with more information, and they can place the event in their reminders.

Where to from here?
This is the basic layout of the interface. It does not include the features that I am going to add to truly enhance the visitors experience. I am developing ways to make this application unique to Bunratty Folk Park. I want to help visitors who go the Folk Park through maps and easy to use timetables but also give them an extra connection to the attraction that they can engage in.
Areas that I am developing are connecting with:
  • children's game(s) in AR
  • videos of characters from the era overlapping in the camera view
  • geocache games
There are other aspects of the Folk Park I am also trying to develop for the features including the baking that occurs in some houses, the animals that live in the park and the objects within the houses and the tools outside. I am currently sketching up ideas for how these will look. I am also continuously investigating how an Open Air Museum might benefit from AR technology and I hope to develop it further within this application.


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