The Title...

The FYP I have chosen is titled Mobile Video Augmented Reality for Spatial Navigation.
It is part of a bigger project going on the IDC and will be based in Bunratty Castle.

Specification, design and prototype development of an Augmented Reality interface for mobile phones to aid the navigation of a space (exhibition, university campus, urban space, etc.) through video content. Using an Augmented Reality toolkit, the contents and interaction scenarios will have to be specified in accordance to a particular space/user group.

So far, I have looked up papers on Augmented Reality and have a good background on that. I have papers on Mobile Technology, and Open Air Museums that I have yet to read and I'm sure there is a lot more research to be done on that online.

The Beginning...

This blog is to take you through the development of my Final Year Project, known from here on out as my FYP, and taking a look at the interesting, and maybe not so interesting topics I come across as I go.